Näitan 21–40 tulemust 76-st

“Fate Core System”

Name your game; Fate Core is the foundation that can make it happen. Fate Core is a flexible system that can support whatever worlds you dream up. Have you always wanted to play a post-apocalyptic spaghetti western with tentacle monsters? Swords and sorcery in space? Wish there was a game based on your favorite series […]

Lisa korvi
From Atlantis to the Sphinx. Recovering the Lost Wisdom of the Ancient World

“From Atlantis to the Sphinx. Recovering the Lost Wisdom of the Ancient World”

Revised & updated. Includes startling new revelations about the age of civilisation and the location of the lost city of Atlantis. In 1991 a Boston professor of geology made a shocking announcement – the Sphinx had been weathered by water, and not wind-blown sand as previously thought. This would make it thousands of years older […]

Lisa korvi
George Michael & Wham!

“George Michael & Wham!”

The complete guide to the music. A guide to the music of George Michael and Wham! It seeks to examine every recorded song in their catalogues to date, and acts as a consumer’s critical guide. Shaped like a CD box, it is designed to sit alongside the reader’s existing CD collection. Taskuformaat.

Lisa korvi
George Michael

“George Michael”

In his own words A compilation of quotations taken from interviews with George Michael. Michael’s thoughts and insights on Wham!, his solo career, and the 1994 CBS court case decision, are included.

Lisa korvi
Great Souls: The Seven Rays at the Soul Level

“Great Souls: The Seven Rays at the Soul Level”

In recognizing the play of the Seven Ray energies through the lives of “great souls” down the ages, the panorama of history takes on new significance. What is presented here is a dramatic picture of great souls who have had a major influence on their own and following generations, each in a different way, depending […]

Lisa korvi
How to Draw What You See

“How to Draw What You See”

When it was originally published in 1970, How to Draw What You See zoomed to the top of Watson-Guptill’s best-seller list—and it has remained there ever since. “I believe that you must be able to draw things as you see them—realistically,” wrote Rudy de Reyna in his introduction. Today, generations of artists have learned to […]

Lisa korvi

“Imhotep – The African. Architect of the Cosmos”

An Exploration of Imhotep – Architect of the Step Pyramid at Saqqara, High Priest of Ra, and Royal Astronomer – as Well as His Influence as the True Father of African Civilization. In this groundbreaking book, Egyptologist Robert Bauval and astrophysicist Thomas Brophy uncover the mystery of Imhotep, an ancient Egyptian superstar, pharaonic Da Vinci, […]

Lisa korvi

“Katkenud lapsepõlv. Kohtumine president Pätsiga ja teisi mälukilde 1938-1945”

Poisipõnnina enne okupatsiooni ja Teist maailmasõda Eesti kahe riigivanema, Konstantin Pätsi ja Otto Strandmaniga kohtunud Toomas-Valter Huigi mälukillud kirjeldavad pöördelist aega nii Eesti kui ka lapse elus. Uudishimulik poiss märkas ja tajus paljutki ning aastakümneid hiljem mõjuvad tema mälukillud läbielatust ja kogetust nii ehedalt, justkui rändaksime koos autoriga aastates 1938-1945. “Murdnud kevadel 1941 koos Itaalia […]

Lisa korvi


Ühel sügisööl murrab maailmameri Taani väinade kaitsetammidest läbi, hiigellaine tormab Läänemerre ning suur osa Eestimaast jääb vee alla. Siiski ei taba maailmamere tõusust tingitud katastroof siinset elanikkonda päris ootamatult – kõigile soovijatele on leitud uus kodu Kanada sisemaal. Kuid romaani peategelane on otsustanud paigale jääda, ehitades endale muistse Noa kombel kohmaka ühemehelaeva ja mõistes end […]

Lisa korvi

“Learn Greek Without a Teacher”

A mordern method to learn Greek in 25 lessons  

Lisa korvi


Saksa ülikoolilinna Göttingeni tagasihoidlikuks, ent kauniks sümboliks on pronksist Gänselisesel, paljajalgne kolme hane kandev tüdruk, keda kõik äsja tudengiks saanud peavad aukohuseks põsele suudelda. Nii kohtuvad ka kaugel 1926. aastal Hanetüdruku juures selle raamatu peategelased. Liivimaalt lahkunud Elisabeth von Menzen ja tema eakaaslane Harry Weber. Ja see kohtumine jääb helgena püsima läbi nende dramaatiliselt kulgeva […]

Lisa korvi

“Liquid leadership: Inspirational lessons from the world´s great leaders”

Liquid Leadership captures the principles of success used by modern-day legends such as Sir Richard Branson, Muhammad Ali and Jonny Wilkinson, as well as the skills of inspiring people you may work alongside every day. With stories and examples from famous and non-famous achievers, as well as exercises to help you practise the ideas, you […]

Lisa korvi
Lugu minu koerast

“Lugu minu koerast”

Kakskümmend kuulsat koeralugu, mille autoriteks on näiteks John Galsworthy, Rudyard Kipling ja Virginia Woolf ja milles räägitakse kollase krantsi seiklustest, abielulahutuse põhjustanud kokkerspanjelist ning buldogist, koerast-aardeotsijast, jahikoerast, kellest kujuneb ühe mõrvaloo võti, koerast-lapsepäästjast, sõjaväljale sattunud setterist, jõulisest hundikoerast, kes aitab võita määratu panusega kihlveo, oma peremehe päästnud lambakoerast, väikesest vahvast bulterjerist, mineeritud kaevanduskoerast, silmakirjalikust foksterjerist, […]

Lisa korvi

“M.I.L.K Friendship”

Good times made better and bad times forgotten due to the healing magic of friendship. – Maeve Binchy

Lisa korvi
Mass Media Dictionary

“Mass Media Dictionary”

Slovar yazyka sredstv informatsii SŠA

Lisa korvi
New Rules. Polite Musings from a Timid Observer

“New Rules. Polite Musings from a Timid Observer”

Bill Maher first came to national attention as the host of the hit Comedy Central and ABC-TV program Politically Incorrect, where he offered a combustible mixture of irreverence and acerbic humor that helped him to garner a loyal following, as well as a reputation for being a hilarious provocateur. Now, his popular new HBO television […]

Lisa korvi
NTC`s American Idioms Dictionary

“NTC`s American Idioms Dictionary”

Every language has phrases or sentences that cannot be understood literally. Even if you know the meanings of all the words in a phrase and understand the grammar completely, the meaning of the phrase may still be confusing. Many clichés, proverbs, slang phrases, phrasal verbs, and common sayings offer this kind of problem. A phrase […]

Lisa korvi


“Strange that she’d never known she had such cruelty inside”. A young mother among them finally cracks and strangles her philandering, gambling husband. She confesses her crime to her colleagues and unexpectedly, they agree to help. But then the dismembered body parts are discovered, the police start asking questions and more dangerous enemies begin to […]

Lisa korvi
Painting of the Romantic Era

“Painting of the Romantic Era”

This penetrating study of one of the most fruitful epochs in European art presents the Renaissance not simply as the rebirth of classical styles, but also as the period that saw “the invasion of man and his world into the domain of the arts”. Epochs and Styles.

Lisa korvi