Lost Secrets of the Mystery Schools. The Coming of the Gods: Initiation and Rebirth
Lost Secrets of the Mystery Schools. The Coming of the Gods: Initiation and Rebirth
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“Lost Secrets of the Mystery Schools. The Coming of the Gods: Initiation and Rebirth”


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Were the gods and goddesses of ancient Greece merely the product of humankind’s imagination — as some scientists and historians would have us believe? If so, what scientific data can explain the “Greek miracle” — Greece’s sudden leap from a primitive tribal state to the cultural center of the world? This book reveals what actually happened those thousands of years ago that so radically affected the destiny of humankind.

When the mystic and the initiate think of Greece, Palenque, the Great Pyramid, Machu Picchu or Tiahuanaca, the mind immediately projects visions of initiation and the Mystery Schools of antiquity. Even Lemuria or lost Atlantis conjure up fleeting memories of a long ago time when the Mysteries were young.

This book focuses on the glories of Greece — when the gods and goddesses of Olympus reigned over the destiny of the light seekers of that ancient time. Renowned among these Mysteries was Eleusis, where the world’s greatest mystics and philosopher’s sought initiation. And Delphi, where Apollo spoke through an entranced pythoness and prophesied for hundreds of years. And magnificent Ephesus, recognized as the Seventh Wonder of the World.

In “Lost Secrets of the Mystery Schools: The Coming of the Gods,” legendary mystic and teacher Earlyne Chaney looks back to that time in ancient Greece and explores the true origin of the gods and goddesses of Mount Olympus. Stepping out of the pages of mythology, they appear anew, reminding us of our own long-forgotten past. What part did these creative beings play in our history? From what far away planet did they come?

Examined in the light of Dr Chaney’s intuitive and inspirational writing, the ancient gods and goddesses take on a whole new meaning for light seekers in the new age. journey back to that mysterious time in the magical land of Greece as you are reintroduced to Zeus, Apollo, Aphrodite, Hermes, Athena, Poseidon and the others. Look for a spark of recognition — the hint of a reawakened memory.

“So vividly are they a part of our subconscious,” Earlyne explains, “they are forever linking us to a forgotten past, raising us to a higher dimension of consciousness, attuning us to the wisdom that still invades our souls.”

Have we fully realized what these beings brought? Or have centuries of “scientific data” buried their reality?

Dr Chaney endeavors to uncover the ancient teachings and their relevancy to humankind today. In her continuing examination of ancient rites of initiation, she explores the Grecian teachings of death, rebirth and immortality — and explains how many of the rites have been misunderstood and perverted. Perhaps these writings will stir your memory of your own initiation in one of the Mystery Schools of long ago.


Earlyne Chaney



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